Little Rock Moving Blog - Tips, Tricks, and Insider Info
September 11, 2018

10 Helpful Recommendations for Relocating to a New State

By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group 

Moving - Moving BoxesThere is a substantial distinction in between moving a fairly short distance and relocating to a new state. You and your belongings aren't just making a short jaunt from one place to another, you are making an intricate journey which may take a couple of days and needs plenty of statigic planning. During this time, it can be all too easy to let something vital slide through the cracks or mismanage your individual objectives of the move to Little Rock. We have seen a considerable amount of interstate moves and would like to present you with a handful of words of expert advice on how to make certain you, your things, and your life arrive in one piece without unnecessary stress to your new home.

1) Review of Your New Home Upfront

First and foremost, understand where you are heading. Researching your new residence is not only conducting a tour of the property prior to buying or signing a rental contract. We suggest you intermix internet research with a mini-vacation spent driving about your new community and city, learning the lay of the land in Little Rock and the area products and services you might like to call on. Parents will be interested in the standard of the school districts, and pet owners will need to investigate mandatory pet permits, if any. Additionally, you will want dimensions of your new house's doors to make sure your furniture will fit through.

2) Choose the Best Interstate Moving Service

Every interstate, state-to-state, and cross-country moving service is distinct. Some professional moving services can offer you the basics you require to get things from a place to another, do not just pick the first one that pops up within your local Google search. Look into costs, services, and timing to identify a moving company who can provide the moving experience to Little Rock you want most within your moving budget. Don't forget to assess their online reputation with other individuals who have moved with the company to be sure you are working with a highly rated mover known for their customer satisfaction.

3) Build a Strategic Packing Plan

Packing for an interstate move may well include equivalent primary tasks, but it seems completely different than a local residential move. Because there's no multiple jaunts or returning for forgotten items, and due to the fact you may need everything squared away rather quickly within the new destination, create a extensive strategic packing plan. Pare down your things by giving items away, offering things to charity, eBay sales or perhaps a yard sale in case you have a lot more possessions than you care to take and also, begin packing early. Label every box visibly, and tell your movers in the event that you'd like your rooms packed in a particular order for easy fast unpacking.

4) Arrange Your Own Transportation and Accommodations

Even though your long distance moving service to Little Rock will handle moving all your inanimate possessions, you, in addition to any household pets and houseplants, will likely need to go within your automobile. In all probability, you will find yourself going on a long road trip. Make sure to plan your cross-country road trip rigorously incorporating frequent rest breaks, where you would like to eat, and where you are going to stay. Arrange your lodgings far ahead of time and consider any additional family members, animals, or plants that will be traveling with you.

5) Switch Your Driver's License

Although you won't get into trouble immediately for having a driver's license linked to your old address, it's advisable if you aquire a new driver's license furnished by your new state of residence and displaying your new street address. Thankfully, it's increasingly simple to move a presently valid license to a new state. Several states can accommodate this request totally online, which happens to be super handy.

6) Utilities and Mail Forwarding

An interstate move suggests that mail delivered to the incorrect address will be remarkably complicated and possibly even costly to have forwarded to you. Ensure that you officially change your street address with the post office and arrange for temporary mail forwarding so your letters and packages catch up with you properly.

Following the same lines, remember to complete the whole transfer of utilities. Make sure to have the utilities from your old residence shut off or transferred to a property manager or new owner. At the new home, make sure that the utilities are on and in your name prior to when you arrive. If you can, it's also helpful to have someone such as your realtor pop in and make certain the refrigerator is working. This will allow you to get and stow groceries immediately following arrival.

7) Pack a Moving Travelling bag for Yourself

Don't forget, you might get to your house ahead of the moving truck with all your belongings. This suggests you are going to have to exist out of luggage for a short time, so your suitcase needs to be very well packed. Ensure that you have several changes of clothes, toiletries, prescription drugs, all your necessary financial information, and chargers for your personal gadgets packed. Ideally, put all these items aside before you pack the rest of your personal things into cartons to ensure nothing significant is neglected.

Your moving bag really should be part overnight-bag and part emergency bag, and it will enable you to be prepared to stay in-transit for as long as your journey and truck arrival takes. Each individual moving together with you and every pet ought to have their own moving suitcase to ensure that everybody is adequately prepared for a lengthy journey and a few days in a largely unfilled home.

Moving - Packing8) Pack Your Car for a Journey

As you prepare to depart, one of the last steps is to ready your automobile for the long trip in front of you. Make a list of everything you will want along the way including a navigation device and charging infrastructure to be sure you do not get lost along with a complete check-up of your automobile to avoid unnecessary maintenance problems. Additionally, you will want to make certain that you and anybody moving with you will be able to make it comfortably inside the car regardless of whether there are long stretches without restaurants or hotel accommodations. Bring a good amount of water bottles and road snacks and think about including a couple sleeping bags to make sure you can sleep in the new house in advance of when your beds get there.

9) Check Your Budget

No matter how careful you've been up to this point, it is all too easy to go over budget over the move itself. Your road trip schedule should include pre-booked hotel accommodations plus a basic knowledge of in the places you will likely be stopping to eat and take restroom breaks on the way. Be aware of your budget and keep an eye on how much you spend while travelling. In the event that cash is constrained, think about packing snacks in a cooler and buying meals from supermarkets or little small-town watering holes. If you're making your moving journey into a family vacation by doing sightseeing as you go along, make absolutely certain not to spend more than you intended to.

10) Stay in Contact with Your Movers

Finally, during an interstate move to Little Rock, make sure to keep in touch with your movers. While the majority of cross-country moves are uneventful and smooth-sailing, sometimes things go wrong and scheduling details must be taken care of. Perhaps your moving truck gets a flat, or perhaps you are the one with the flat. You ought to be in constant contact with your movers to synchronize the arrival of your things and they may even have the ability to help you out of a road-trip catastrophe should a surprise disaster arise. Make certain that you swap contact numbers with your driver and discuss delivery plans prior to leaving the origin location.

Relocating from state to state is a massive venture and one you need to accept with all seriousness. Once your belongings are in the hands of professional movers and your own method of travel is carefully prepared, your move will feel more like an enjoyable road-trip holiday than a big logistical aggravation. Let us enable you to have a smooth and enjoyable interstate move to Little Rock.

The Mickelson Family
The Mickelson Family
Best. Move. Ever!
Very pleased with the overall respect and care the men gave to my possessions. Even mailing me very quickly the only thing lost in transit. Would recommend to anyone needing a long distance move.
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